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ICAT Driver WIP - Need eyes for mods and feedback please!


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Hi everyone! I posted this on 501st ACD but wanted to do it here specifically since I'm in SD.

I've been meaning to post my progress on my ICATransport Driver for the longest time. I've got a good chunk made and painted, but before I finish anything off I want eyes to see if you can help me catch any mods that need to be changed so I can get the highest chance of approval.  Here's the progress I made so far...

Soft Parts:

I made this tunic form a mix of patterns and looking at reference photos from the show. The fabric I got feels too warm a green. Am I overthinking this? Or would it pass? I was considering dying it with a diluted charcoal gray to give it a cooler tone if it wasn't passable.


NECKSEAL with the horizontal stitching

The CRL calls for faded black, here are some faded black pants, I plan on weathering them, but wanted to see if the double thighs were passable first.

I originally scored a deal on these boots, but my leg wont fit in them. I'm currently planning to add concealed zipper in the inner seam to be able to get my foot in. Not sure about height however.  Currently printing the rest of my shins to see if it'll fit all together. Thoughts?

Same ones as everyone elses - bought them off amazon


I actually love how the chest came out. Please let me know if anything sticks out to you that would stop approval. Ignore the make shift straps and the Grogu LOL... they were a temp fix for when I wore my armor around during celebration and obviously, the baby was just for kicks hahaha (ALSO omg please ignore the messy office)


Here's me with the chest plate on

Haven't painted the back. I originally printed a version, but it had too many missing/inaccurate parts. This is Jim's muddy kit, so I know I have to make the following mods; add the beveled pipes to the holes on top, add a collar to the neck (btw approx how high should this be?), add the center slot with the strap. Anything I'm forgetting?

Besides some touch up on paint, these feel good to me. Thoughts?

I'm reprinting these because of the messed up fish hooks - but plan to paint them pretty much the same. Thoughts?

*Refer back to the picture from Celebration.* Should be the way I plan to wear them. Lmk what you guys think!

Originally painted this helmet, but realized it didnt fit CRLs at all (up for sale for anyone who wants it for fun or just decoration btw!) I'm currently planning to finish the SGB helmet.

Also any tips on how to weather my straps would be appreciated!

This is the progress so far! I'm hoping to apply for approval by the end of the year. But we'll see how it goes. Helmet is SGB, Back armor is Jim Tripon, everything else is 3d printed in PETG by me - files are a mix of Sean Fields and someone else...can't remember, but I'll put it in the next update if I can find the info. Thanks in advance for the feedback!

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For your 3D printed parts, more filling and sanding will be required.  Visible print lines are a pain to deal with (personal experience) but your finished product will look so much better if you fill and sand them just a little more!

I'm not an expert on the ICAT driver, but it looks like you are heading in the right direction!

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