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Aspiring Red Bucket


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Hello Garrison,

Jon here. I'm 38 and live in North Park. I'm interested in joining but this is my first time putting together a movie quality costume. I've decided on a ROTJ imperial guard for my first build. I've reviewed the CRL. There's a lot of information out there on the Sovereign Protectors forums. There's several vendors that make the various components and I'm looking for insight from existing guards in the garrison on their experiences with them.  If sizing matters for reference I'm 6'3, 205 lbs, cap size 7.5, shoe size 13.

Rubies Supreme Edition $180 on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005N516AA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_.AQzFbFXY9E5R From what I understand these are fairly common in the 501st and ship quick.  I know there's some minor modifications to replace the visor which seem easy enough. My concerns with this bucket are that some have said its oversized and don't want my head to be swimming in it. Also its made out of plastic so I'm not sure how durable it is.

Korbanth Sabers $325 https://www.korbanth.com/collections/helmets/products/c-red-guard-helmet. Fiberglass construction. Seems to be a decent number of guards approved with this one. From what I understand its less oversized and ships fairly quick. One post mentions it fits size 7 5/8 head. Comes ready to use.

Crafterfold etsy $180 ($125 unpainted). https://www.etsy.com/listing/651524532/star-wars-royal-guard-helmet-replica?ref=cart I saw one thread on Sovereign Protectors that this would likely be approvable. Also fiberglass construction. They have good etsy reviews, the photos look sharp, and it’s a good price but not really sure about this one as I've seem it mentioned less on the forums. Also from some of the reviews bucket can take some time to arrive. 

Soft Goods 
Outer and Inner Robes from Imperial Boots $360 +$160 (boots) + $60 (gloves) https://www.imperialboots.com/product/imperial-guard- These seem very popular and at a reasonable price considering the cost of velvet. They ship out of China and take some time to arrive, not sure how much shipping would be. From the forums it seems that they usually arrive without issue. Getting everything from the same shop should mean there's no color matching issues. This is probably the front runner for me. However there was one forum post about not getting approved with these robes due to the inner lining of the outer robe. Although it is there and the correct color, as per the CRL which states "The robe is lined with burgundy or wine color velvet or velveteen", it is only sewn in down the sides and is loose (but still hemmed) on the bottom edge.  The lining of the outer robe has to be attached fully. The post mentioned that the  inner lining was much shorter than the outer lining. Has any one else had an issue with getting approval with these robes?

Outer and Inner Robes from Korbanth Sabers $448 https://www.korbanth.com/collections/costume-parts/products/red-guard-robe-set-by-kelly-jo-boyd These robes look high quality but not ROTJ based on the picture (openings for both arms). They also sell the helmet so that should color match without issue. But they don't sell the boots and gloves. They also don't list sizing so not sure if this would fit. I've reached out to them for details but interested if anyone has experience with them.

Boots and Gloves Crow Props $228 https://crowprops.bigcartel.com/product/royal-guard-combo-boots-and-gloves-in-suede Just about the same price as the Imperial Boots gloves and boots. They also ship from outside the US. How do they compare with the option from Imperial Boots. Any issues with color matching?

Force Pike

This one will be tricky and likely the last piece I complete. Ideally I'd like a metal machine shop crafted pike. I've read good reviews on the piece made by cabbage farmer but he's no longer making them from what I understand. There's an amazing looking one that tomleech made on the RFP forums https://www.therpf.com/forums/threads/accurate-rotj-force-pike-weapon-of-the-emperors-royal-guard.294389/ but he only made 50 and they're all sold. Crossing my fingers that he does a second run. Outside of that I've read about modifying a pool cue, ski pole, fishing pole, and even the Rubies prop all using 3D printed parts and/or hardware store items. Curious what route the other guards have gone with this or if there's any other solid makers out there.

Any good vendors that I missed? Appreciate any experience you can share.  Looking forward to assembling the kit and meeting you all at some point when COVID allows.

Cheers, Jon

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Welcome to the Imperial Sands Garrison forums Jon!

Outstanding to see you are doing your research!  The Sovereign Protectors forums are going to be your best resource in getting the most up to date information, but @Stutz will be essential as well, as he is the one who will be doing the review of your costume submission. @Cory Roble, @Vlade,@Geohazard@Dagobahraider and @BexandRedCosplay would likely be able to give you some input as they are our local royal guards.  (Apologies to anyone I might have missed!)

I have done business with Imperial Boots before and have had good communications and while I was shipped one product in an order incorrectly, they did take care of the problem promptly. 

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