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Wranger FAQ/Policy 


Also known as squires, spotters, roadies, wranglers are essentially non-costumed assistants.

Much like on the production crews of films and TV shows, wranglers are really gophers and jacks-of-all-trades. They do just about everything, except wear the costume at any given event.

Their presence is necessary in our daily operations, but is also a luxury that we don't always have. We are lucky to have that capacity now at 95-98% of our events, and we should be grateful.


Ensuring trooper safety and well-being at all times.

Helping carry/move costumes in, out, around a venue.

Helping the costumers get dressed i.e., hanging capes properly, holding helmets/gloves, helping tie shoes for those in armor who can't bend, fixing Velcro straps.

Helping to fix costume malfunctions

Escorting costumers to and from staging areas

Crowd control to a certain point, in cooperation with local security.

Helping with communications between the 501st event POC and the rest of the costume group if requested.

Emergency standby for medical emergencies*


Specifically be assigned to minor or underage troopers.***

As you can see, Wranglers have a full job slate at any given event. They can, and usually will be, called on for any of these, and probably more I haven't mentioned. 


Costume duties are ALWAYS a wranglers FIRST priority. Photography/Videography is secondary.

Some notes that need added:

*You should only be providing medical care in certain situations. 1) You are a family member of the afflicted individual and you know what their condition is, and are authorized to assist. 2) You are a qualified individual, i.e. First Aid/CPR certified. 

For example, some of our members are military corpsmen/women, police officers, or firemen/EMTs. These folks are qualified to assist. If you are not a qualified individual, please stay with the injured member and immediately send another bystander for help.

**If you are a photographer at any given event:, try to cover as much of the event as possible, taking pictures of as many of the costumers as you can. If there are multiple photographers, split the venue/workload in half for more coverage. The expectation of a photographer is that they record the event to the best of their ability, with fairness and equity, and provide the photographs within a reasonable amount of time (a week or two at best). With that said, the first duty of any wrangler is to the costumers, photography is secondary.

Please note that NO ONE has an  OFFICIAL photographers title in Imperial Sands Garrison.  All photographers in ISG are volunteers and we are grateful that they are willing to donate their time to provide this service.

***Minors-a.k.a. our minitroopers must have a designated wrangler assigned to them at all times. We are responsible for the minors that we let troop with us, and as such, their health and safety is paramount. Wranglers who are specifically assigned to the mini-troopers shouldn’t be diverted to other tasks by anyone except the CO or XO, unless they’ve indicated they are no longer needed. (the minitrooper in question is no longer in costume, or with their parents)

WHO can be a wrangler?

In all honesty, it depends on the event in question. 

Anyone can be a wrangler, as long as he or she is mature and can assist in some productive fashion. (see duties above)

Our preference for wranglers is in this order:

1. Club members (501st Legion, Rebel Legion, Mando Mercs, R2 Builders, ISO)

2. Significant others of current members (Wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, partners) 

3. Parents of members 

4. Non-members

There will be events where a wrangler spot will be reserved for an officer, usually at high profile/LFL type gigs. I/We will make EVERY effort to let you know in advance when this is the case.

There will be events where I will ask for club members specifically. i.e. Star Wars in Concert, the Padres game, or at specific venues like the SnoopDogg appearance, or at venues where alcohol may be served.

Any location where alcohol is served is one where minors will likely be declined, due to our lack of garrison level liability insurance.

We don't insist on the order listed above 100% of the time its just our preference, and generally leave it up to whomever is the POC, keeping in mind that we may ask said POC to change it, with a justified and legitimate reason.

And lastly, the biggest expectation is that the wranglers work! Usually, the wranglers get the same perks we do, food/water, tickets to see whatever we're doing (if applicable), etc. etc., and they're required to work for it if they volunteer. Meaning go wherever they are needed, help anyone who asks (and not just their spouse/gf/bf/partner/child ”unless on a specific assignment), and be actively watching over the troopers at the event.  We have had some problems with this in past years, which is why its getting mentioned now. 

If you have questions about anything happening at an event, talk to event point of contact (POC) or any of the garrison officers.  If none are available, most issues are common sense, but always err on the side of caution.

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