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Don't miss the next Multi-club Armor/Sewing Party and Meeting ×


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  • Name
    Andrea L Tyndall
  • Location
    San Diego

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  1. I'll be there to work on my Qi'ra and ???; TBD on what I'm bringing.
  2. With my post-WC motivation still in force I figured I would get the process started...I have a 'pretty good' Qi'ra but would like to get her approved so I can get involved. I know I need to get the correct earrings and a better bracelet, I also need to add greeblies to the jacket. Lost my communicator at SDCC and need to reprint and finish a new one....and some decent pics (hardest part of this process...LOL) I'm fairly confident with the skirt, top, boots, tattoo, jacket and fur caplet, but open to guidance to make adjustments where needed. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cey40Pepq1J/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link TIA!
  3. Thanks for hosting/organizing! It was great to meet everyone!
  4. I am planning on coming; my bandwidth is pretty low for cosplay (#WERK) at the minute but I'll think of something to work on and contribute by then. LOL
  5. LOL...yes, I probably won't be travelling lightly! I'll plan accordingly to bring something that doesn't take TOO much equipment or space though! I have a fold up table and chairs...should I bring those?
  6. Fantastic! It's already in my calendar and I look forward to meeting some peeps! I'll be sure to bring something to work on and some tasty snacks! I've already RSVP'd.
  7. I'm in! Looking forward to my 1st 501st armor party! (LOL) While it pains me to bring 'healthy' snacks (sweets and treats are kind of my thing); I'll bring a fruit plate....but with some 'dark side' dips. LOL
  8. Thanks for the responses! You'll all have to excuse the Captain Marvel pic....all I have are light side SW pics at this point. DOH! I've been all over the spec lists and working on props and patterning at this point...but very early on both as I need to figure out how to use my 3D Printer AND airbrush kit. LOL Dumb question for the 'armor' parties---my costumes don't really have too much of that (a TINY bit for Mara) so do these parties involve other aspects of the build process? I am also in need of getting my light sabers (one proper CustomSaberShop and one 3D printed...both ready for parts and/or finishing) hooked up---I don't want to do battle (LOL) but I would like them to light up and make noise!!! (Oh yeah, I have a Bastila Shan costume too...but it's her light side version---contemplating adding her dark side to the mix at some point since I have the saber hilts!)
  9. Hello! I'm not new to SW or costuming, but I am new to SW (proper) costuming. I've got Qi'ra and Mara Jade in EARLY progress...always looking for peeps to work on costumes with! (I have some but they're not SW dorks like I am...lol)
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