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501st Legion - Retired Garrison Member
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Everything posted by TK-4510

  1. I started in this as a fanboy (still am) and began my journey as a “Stormtrooper” costumer in 2005. I have been trooping now for 14 years!! Trooperbay.com was started as a hobby in 2007 as a small website strictly for prop decals. Along with the decals I  started offering other things that were needed in the prop community. Now Trooperbay offers hundreds of items including decals, apparel, accessories, personalized engraving and embroidery for costumers, prop builders and….fanboys and girls too. 


  2. Unfortunately I have another thing scheduled on the 9th that wont end until 7PM or so. Have fun everybody!!
  3. Wish I could be there but,....one must drag race when one can
  4. Thanks guys! I signed up for the library troop.
  5. Well hello there, Can you guys allow my account full access again? I was retired and I think someone made my account limited access as I cannot respond to posts and some areas I am not being allowed access. No longer retired, SDCC trooped ( I even did the droid hunt with Dan) I would like full access again. Thank you :)
  6. lol, just saw this. Yes, to answer your question.
  7. slllllllloooooowwwllllllyyy working on some molds. someday....
  8. Actually, I just found some decent priced blank flags. I could do a 3 x 5 foot black flag with the 501st logo on both sides for the same price = $75.00 If you get more than 2 I will drop the price to $50.00 each
  9. I can make a double sided flag if I buy a blank black flag and then press the 501st logo on it. It would probably cost a little more for that though.
  10. OK so here are the prices: 2 x 3 foot flag $35.00 3 x 5 foot flag $75.00 Flags are digitally printed and are one sided. Although...about 35% of the reversed image shows on the other side. I need to have at least $100.00 order to make these. Let me know if you guys are interested. 858-437-3093
  11. I can get almost any flag made if you need one. I do signs, banners, decals, promotional stuff too..
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