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501st Legion - Retired Garrison Member
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Everything posted by Kuhlio

  1. I have not yet. I figure garrison leadership is pretty busy and didn't want to jump the gun or start a conversation like that prematurely. I have been highly interactive on the Sith Lord Detachment forum and working closely with the other Vaders there every step of the way. When/how would you recommend getting in touch with the GML?
  2. Just a quick note for everyone that I am quite close to getting things finalized with this build. I have to get my cape hemmed, add some pleats on the robe and finish my chest box. I would anticipate submitting for approval sometime by end of February. Any advice on that would be most welcome. Thanks, all!
  3. My helmet came in the other day and I am getting down to the short strokes with regard to having all of the components for this costume in hand. It looks like the chest box will be the long wait if I stick with my chosen vendor, where I estimate I'm still 9 months out. Another vendor can 3D print the parts on demand, but they're a kit and I'm not sure if my painting skills are up to the task of making it look right. Combine that with the added expense and I'm in a bit of a quandary, but we'll see how it goes.
  4. So I've received a few more parts for this costume build, including a buckle of unknown origin. It seems to fit CRL criteria, but given that the prop make can't be identified, I would like some opinions if possible. Dean, or anyone else knowledgeable, what are your thoughts? Thanks in advance!
  5. I don't know anything about Rebel pilots, but a few of the guys on the SLD use boots from www.sovietboots.com for their Vader builds. I dug around a little and found these: http://www.sovietboots.com/home/11-general-juft-micropore-jack-boots-nice-for-star-wars-501st-legion-boots.html Would save anyone doing this build about sixty bucks or so.
  6. Thanks, Dean. I will be sure to work with them as I have been and begin including more information here. Right now I'm in a holding pattern until the helmet and armor get completed.
  7. No worries, Todd. I PM'd you with information and thanks again!
  8. Hello, all. It was suggested that I post some updates regarding my plans for an ESB Vader build I am working on to get feedback from the garrison in addition to any feedback I receive from the helpful folks over on SLD. The route I am going is to use recommended parts from established vendors over there, but here's the list of major components I've either already purchased or plan to. Helmet/Shoulder Armor - Bookface/Darth Ugly (Received) Shins - Korbanth ABS (Received) Cape - Custom Props Premium Wool (Ordered) Codpiece - Artisan Props (Wait list) Bodysuit - CP two piece (Ordered) Inner Robes - Custom Props (Ordered) Boots - Chippewas (Received) Gloves - Fenix Props with third panel/gusset (Received) Belt - Artisan Props (Received) Belt Boxes - DarkSide (Received) Chest Box - DarkSide (Wait list) Buckle - Fenix Props (Received) Saber - MR 2005 (Received) Saber Hook - Wanna Wanga (Received) While I do understand that much of the approval process goes beyond the actual parts, and making sure everything is worn and fit correctly for accuracy, I would be interested to know if anyone can cite any concerns over the vendor list. Based on feedback received over on SLD, they've expressed no worries over the path I'm on, but as I was reminded, they're not the ones approving me. Can any of you spot anything that I should reconsider? Thanks so much in advance and Happy Star Wars Day!
  9. Thanks, guys. It's good to have some names to look out for. I've exchanged quite a few messages with Chris Greene over on SLD. PunkRocketScience, the link you provided for garrison expectations indicates that I don't have permission to view it. Is it accessible only to garrison members or should I reach out to someone to request permission? Again, thanks for the responses. It's good to know folks are willing to be helpful and take it a bit easy on the new people. -Erik
  10. Hello. I've been working on getting an ESB Vader together for the last couple of months and while I'm still a ways out from completing it, I bumped on to an ISG member (Jamie) on the SL forum and he suggested I bring ISG in on the progress go ensure no surprises come when I finally seek approval. With all of that said, where should I document and post such progress? Would it be best to do so with the various tutorials and questions section of the ISG forum? Also, Jamie had mentioned there was a recent write up on the garrison expectations for approvals, but I can't seem to locate that. Could anyone help an aspiring Sith Lord out? Thanks in advance!
  11. Hey, Jesse... Found this thread just cruising through the forums and wanted to say that I think it was you that had a heavy hand in my aspiring to put a costume together and joining the 501st. I was at Ruben H Fleet and have a picture of a Jango Fett knocking me out. A little while before that, some dude took about 20 pictures of you with him, though he kept calling you Boba Fett... Haha
  12. Thanks for the welcome, all. As things ramp up for me, I certainly intend to reach out and wrangle/squire/handle to start getting a feel for things. Things are pretty hectic for me up through February, but once that all ends, I'll be reaching out more with the hope of learning all I can while getting my costume together. I'm sure there's plenty of experience to draw on in terms of how to conduct yourself and what to expect at various types of functions/events and I'm happy to help the team.
  13. Hi everyone. I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. I'm a San Diego native and a long time Star Wars fan. I attended a premiere party for The Force Awakens at the Ruben H. Fleet Science Center last month and believe that some of you as well as some of the Rebel Scum were in attendance in costume. After looking in to the 501st a bit more and coming to the realization of how much charity work this organization does, I decided to start the process of joining and am now in the (long) process of putting together an ESB Vader costume. In my initial research, I came across the SLD forums and have been active over there with many of the members helping me out with my initial decisions on the costume. As I said, I know getting a Vader costume together is a long process, but I'm excited for the journey and while it may be a while (my most optimistic estimate for completion of the costume is sometime early next year), I figured it couldn't hurt to start interacting and getting to know you all. So that's that. In the meanwhile, I'm open to suggestions, guidance and geeky banter. Thanks for reading!
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