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Rebel Legion - Base Member
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Everything posted by BroadSword

  1. BroadSword

    Total n00b

    Don't sweat it bro! We all come in different shapes and sizes. There are plenty of good builders down your way (I'm way up in Fallbrook) and armor can be modded for a wide variety of body types. We'll get you taken care of.
  2. BroadSword

    New gal

    Oh snap... the TFA contingent in ISG is growing!
  3. Vic....am I going blind? Why can't I find the spot where you can edit your signature??

  4. I too got some BT earbuds, but unfortunately, the delay is prominent that it's hard to even speak. This is what I use: iComm: http://store.voicebooster.com/icomm-imperial-communication-system/ Aker: http://store.voicebooster.com/voicebooster-mr1506-aker-10watt-voice-amplifier/ Chest Rig(you can make one for almost nothing though with Elastic, ABS and a buckle: http://shop.gopro.com/mounts/chesty-chest-harness/GCHM30-001.html Since I have huge melon and can't fit much in my bucket, I use a throat mic instead of boom mic since it would always get ripped off my ears when I put the bucket on. I don't have a link to that, but you can search around for them.
  5. Two Fans are a must. Definitely get those. Hearing assists are really up to you. They are helpful that's for sure. I have hearing assist in both my TK and TD buckets. I don't in my Kylo Ren set-up. Not sure if I need it yet since it is very open at the bottom. I have a iComm and Aker amp on a GoPro chest rig that I can wear with either set-up.
  6. Did you strap your biceps to your shoulder bells yet? You stated it's just a test fit, so probably not, but if you did, raise your biceps up and under your shoulder bells more. The elbow bend is one of the spots the armor can "bite" you if they are too close. Getting there!!
  7. JO, Unfortunately we had to abandon the self made pleated under tunic. My wife is skilled with sewing, but due to a spinal cord injury, she physically couldn't do the pleats any further(too much bending of her back) . So I did go with the Xcoser pleated undertunic, but this is what we have modified, which should get me to Level 2 1. Removed collar. (collar comes from mid coat) 2. Detached the sleeves, added zippers and sewed to an Underarmor shirt. (It was very tight in armpit area so I'm waiting on more pleated material to extend range of motion) 3. Piped the armholes, side seams skirt and open front edges of skirts 4. Waxing with Otter Wax (not required per the CRLs, but it makes it more screen accurate) From what I have read from Dawn Bright, who wrote the CRL, the only piece of the Xcoser KR costume that is approvable, is the under tunic. Granted that could be, "as-is" or "out of the box", but maybe with modification they could work. Like you said, "Outer Robe: XCoser, zipper in front not well hidden, as it should only be a seam not zipper I think. May order one from HJO to match hood etc. or make one." You're correct, there should NOT be a zipper down the front. Per the CRL, there is only a zipper on the wearer's left side, so you have to rip out that zipper and add to the left side at bare minimum. Based on Dawn's suggestions and the many that I've seen, Saint's Customs is probably the best maker out there right now, followed by HJO. If you can't make the mid or outer coats, I'd go with one of those. Hope this helps, Marcus
  8. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I probably shouldn't say this as I've got several irons in the fire, but I was eyeballing a Pilot set-up at one time (ESB Luke), but if there is going to be a group effort, I think I'd be interested.
  9. I started on my Kylo a while back, but it's painstaking if you are doing the pleated portions yourself. It will be a while, but the wife and I are chipping away at it now that my boy's Rugby season is winding down. On another note, I'm going to work on the Knight of Ren that people are calling "Grenadeface" at this point. I know it's not approvable, but I think it would be a cool compliment to a Kylo Ren.
  10. Hello David! Good to see another North County person!! I'm in Fallbrook.
  11. Cool... another North County member!! I'm just around the bend in Fallbrook. ^^^^ Definitely ask question before buying. Welcome aboard!
  12. I think you meant to put this link up: http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=16217
  13. I completed my IO last year and as far as boots go, I actually had some already from another costume. I got mine on eBay as do a lot of people. There are "go-to" sources, but for what you need...if you go to those sources for nice leather boots...you'll need to spend a grip of cash. Scour eBay, look for equestrian supply stores for used boots ( we have that up here in Fallbrook) or you can try these. I cannot vouch for quality but they are decently priced for reproduction WW2 German Riding boots (which is what Imperial Officers were loosely based on). http://www.hessenantique.com/Riding_Boots_p/2116510.htm Definitely use the IOC forum though. Plenty of resources and possibly some used boots in the for sale section.
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