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Don't miss the next Multi-club Armor/Sewing Party and Meeting ×


501st Legion - Garrison Member
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Everything posted by Moxie

  1. The armor party and meeting for April will be in central San Diego! Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm Meeting time: 1:00pm Meeting will also be online for those who are uncomfortable with attending. Everyone is welcome to participate in the meeting! It is NOT private. Location: Coleen Rodriguez's house: 220 Ritchey Street San Diego 92114 Notes: Kids, pets, alcohol okay. Per usual, be respectful. Bring your projects to work on, tools you need, chairs, tables, easy ups. Please bring your own snacks and drinks to share. Some food will be provided by the host. Menu will be posted closer to the event date. Zoom Meeting Info: Join Zoom Meeting https://us05web.zoom.us/j/87640491899?pwd=tb3JXl0hQ0md1GtG7iwbZHhyHf2hKb.1 Meeting ID: 876 4049 1899 Passcode: 5qkXsA
  2. The armor party and meeting for March will be in Alpiine! Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm Meeting time: 1:00pm Meeting will also be online for those who are uncomfortable with attending. Everyone is welcome to participate in the meeting! It is NOT private. Location: Ruben Camerino's house:2304 Alpine Heights Way, Alpine, CA, 91901 From the host: "mind your kids…pets ok as long as they’re play well with horses and other dogs. Ideally no smoking but they’re welcome to smoke in their car. Alcohol ok if they’re ok with crooked cuts and ruined builds " Bring your projects to work on, tools you need, chairs, tables, easy ups. Please bring your own snacks and drinks to share. Some food will be provided by the host. Menu will be posted closer to the event date.
  3. Matt and I will be there. Bringing an IP with roasted rosemary potato cubes.
  4. The armor party and meeting for February will be in north county! Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm Meeting time: 1:00pm Meeting will also be online for those who are uncomfortable with attending. Everyone is welcome to participate in the meeting! It is NOT private. Location: Suzanne Helfrick's house, 560 Howe Place, Escondido, CA 92056 - No limit on number of attendees. Bring your projects to work on, tools you need, chairs, tables, easy ups. Please bring your own snacks and drinks to share. Some food will be provided by the host. Menu will be posted closer to the event date.
  5. Matt and I will be there; we are bringing queso and chips for nachos :)
  6. Matt and I will be there. Still choosing a dish we look forward to seeing you all
  7. DUE TO EXPECTED RAIN AND OTHER SCHEDULING ISSUES WE ARE MOVING THIS EVENT UNTIL SATURDAY JAN 27th. The armor party and meeting for January will be in north county! Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm Meeting time: 12:00pm Meeting will also be online for those who are uncomfortable with attending. Everyone is welcome to participate in the meeting! It is NOT private. Location: Todd Mullin's house, 3529 Strawberry Place, Oceanside, CA 92056 - No limit on number of attendees. Bring your projects to work on, tools you need, chairs, tables, easy ups. Please bring your own snacks and drinks to share. Some food will be provided by the host. Menu will be posted closer to the event date.
  8. I am attending. I am bringing veggies and dip I am bringing Matt Chu as my guest. We both want to be secret Santas.
  9. The Event: ISG’s 9th Anniversary and Holiday Party! Date: November 18, 2023 Duration of event: 5 pm to whenever-ish! Address: 2304 Alpine Heights Way, Alpine, CA 91901 MAP LINK: https://www.google.com/maps/place/2304+Alpine+Heights+Way,+Alpine,+CA+91901/@32.8165369,-116.7907883,177m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x80d960a3f9c85ef1:0x48d277b490826c46!8m2!3d32.8165369!4d-116.790238 What we'll be doing / Why we are there: Time to Party it up! ISG is Celebrating our 9th anniversary as a garrison (late), PLUS we’re having our Holiday party (early)! What to bring: Drinks: Bring drinks and share. FOOD: This is a potluck! (Please post what you are bringing so there is no duplications!) Fine Print: Leave pets at home unless you've talked to Ruben in advance or they are a true service animal. Guests/Family/Friends also welcome, other club members welcome, just remember this a 501st event and its going to be all about the garrison, our people, and our accomplishments! DRINK responsibly. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure you have a Designated Driver or an Uber/Lyft. The GCoG can and does take keys if you're too drunk to drive. ADULTS ONLY: Please note--this party is 18+ Leave the 'sithlings' at home or with a sitter. This is our chance to have a little fun and be just a tad rowdy with our garrison family. DRESS CODE? Wear something comfy. Dress up if you want, go casual if you want! WHAT ALL ARE WE DOING? We are going to have some food, some drink, music, socializing and hit a few high points: Golden Boot Award 2023: Who will the recipient be?? (Only Shane and Jamie will know!! MWAAAHAHAHA!) Other recognitions! Stats for the year--events, man hours, monies raised, etc. etc. Year end summary and goals for 2023. Secret Santa Gift Exchange! Post below if you want to participate in the Secret Santa gift exchange! Deadline for signing up is Thursday 11/2! Santas will be assigned on Monday 11/6! TOY DRIVE! If you can, please bring a new, unwrapped toy or book to donate to less fortunate children through Toys for Tots! Recap: Post below: If you are coming. What you are bringing for the potluck. Guests. If you want to be a secret Santa.
  10. Matt and I will be there. I will bring pumpkin spice cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.
  11. The armor party and meeting for September will be at the Amstutz’s. Location: 2584 Oak Springs Drive, Chula Vista, 91915 Start time 10:00 am, Meeting time 1:00 pm. End time 4:00 pm No children under 16. Bring your projects to work on, and something to share for the pot luck. PLEASE post below if you plan to attend, if you plan to bring others, and what you plan to bring to the potluck! This helps our host OH SO MUCH with planning. Virtual option will be Facebook Live: https://fb.me/e/3DxUDAYC5
  12. Matt and I will be there, bringing a crockpot of cheesy bean dip.
  13. Host says: “We will provide nacho fixings with the gloopy yellow cheese, chips and salsa.” Om nom!!!
  14. The armor party and meeting for August will be at the Vargas's. Location: Keith and Diana Vargas's House: 2455 Harcourt Dr, San Diego, CA 92123 Start time 10:00 am, Meeting time 1:00 pm. End time 5:00 pm Bring your projects to work on, and something to share for the pot luck. PLEASE post below if you plan to attend, if you plan to bring others, and what you plan to bring to the potluck! This helps our host OH SO MUCH with planning. Meeting Zoom Info: Join Zoom Meeting https://apellis.zoom.us/j/89969435460?pwd=cjlTbHFIa3VzdmNCeVR1NnlPbUYyQT09 Meeting ID: 899 6943 5460 Passcode: 949846
  15. Matt and I will be there; I will bring a grilled corn salad.
  16. The 10 is the start time for the armor party. There is a multiclub meeting held at 1 where we group up to participate and virtual attendees can log in.
  17. We look forward to seeing you and are happy to point you to the right folks to ensure you’re set!
  18. The armor party and meeting for June will be at Todd and Wendy’s on Saturday the 24th Location: 3529 Strawberry Place, Oceanside, CA 92056 - No limit on number of attendees. Start time 10:00 am, Meeting time 1:00 pm. End time 4:00 pm Bring your projects to work on, and something to share for the pot luck. PLEASE post below if you plan to attend, if you plan to bring others, and what you plan to bring to the potluck! This helps our hosts OH SO MUCH with planning. Meeting Zoom Info: Join Zoom Meeting https://apellis.zoom.us/j/86433144900?pwd=ZmkxQndDM0NQL3J3MjAwdU9xVFdxQT09 Meeting ID: 864 3314 4900 Passcode: 404442
  19. I will be dialing in for the meeting. Hope you all get a little sunshine!
  20. The armor party and meeting for April will be at the Lazos. Location: Andy Lazo and Christal LaFontaine's house, 1701 Timothy Place, Vista, CA 92083 - No limit on number of attendees. Start time 10:00 am, Meeting time 1:00 pm. End time 5:00 pm Bring your projects to work on, and something to share for the pot luck. PLEASE post below if you plan to attend, if you plan to bring others, and what you plan to bring to the potluck! This helps our host OH SO MUCH with planning. Meeting Zoom Info: Join Zoom Meeting https://apellis.zoom.us/j/82454531533?pwd=dS9KZzlGRXJSdkVyMVg2RmpEL1JLQT09 Meeting ID: 824 5453 1533 Passcode: 127038
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