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Everything posted by PunkRocketScience

  1. Also, the May armor party is in north county, so this may be the perfect time to come and meet some people! Sadly, I will not be attending.
  2. Hey Alberto! Congrats on making the leap! The First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment (FISD) at http://whitearmor.net/ is your best resource for all things stormtrooper related. We have a bunch of them locally as well! I'm in Oceanside (Tri-City) and working on a suit as well. Sounds like you are farther along than I am though.
  3. Hi Marc- What costume have you built? Here is the post on how to submit your costume for approval: I'll bump you up to "cadet" access, so you should be able to see all of our events. While you are waiting for your approval, you might want to consider non-costumed "wrangling" for events? Here is a post on that:
  4. Sadly Wendy and I are going to miss this one as we will be out of town.
  5. I'll be bringing a veggie tray and a salad. I'll also bring all of the swag that I have for folks to pick up!
  6. Gonna have to skip on this one... Need to get work done for WonderCon and fix anything on the BA Mando for the airshow...
  7. Hi James- You are all set with 501st member level access already. Welcome to the ISG forums!
  8. 501st level access granted. Welcome to the ISG forums Sebastian! Looking forward to trooping with you.
  9. Bumped you up to 501st level access Dennis. Welcome to the ISG forums! Looking forward to trooping with you.
  10. Access level increased to 501st member level. Welcome to the ISG forums KC! I look forward to trooping with you!
  11. Access level increased to 501st member level. Welcome to the ISG forums Erich! I look forward to trooping with you!
  12. Access level increased to 501st member level. Welcome to the ISG forums Roger! I look forward to trooping with you!
  13. Hi Lawrence- Access upgraded to 501st member level. Welcome to the ISG forums! I look forward to trooping with you.
  14. The first armor party and meeting for the new year! Time: 10:00am - 5:00pm Meeting time: 1:00pm Meeting will also be online for those who are uncomfortable with attending. Everyone is welcome to participate in the meeting! It is NOT private. Location: Andy Lazo and Christal LaFontaine's house, 1701 Timothy Place, Vista, CA 92083 - No limit on number of attendees. Bring your projects to work on, tools you need, chairs, tables, easy ups. Please bring snacks and drinks to share. ONLINE MEETING INFO (1:00pm PST): Join Zoom Meeting https://apellis.zoom.us/j/86364214510?pwd=OUtKUWFHR2o3S21iKyt4TVJsWXQ2dz09 Meeting ID: 863 6421 4510 Passcode: 676106 One tap mobile +16694449171,,86364214510#,,,,*676106# US +16699006833,,86364214510#,,,,*676106# US (San Jose)
  15. 501st access granted Carl! Welcome to the ISG forums!
  16. Hi Lucas! I've bumped you up to 501st level access. Welcome to the ISG forums! Looking forward to trooping with you sometime soon!
  17. Join Zoom Meeting https://apellis.zoom.us/j/84373169556?pwd=b1FRakVjVzN1ZHNXZHRzYzNQY2N3Zz09 Meeting ID: 843 7316 9556 Passcode: 956323
  18. Hi Kathleen- I've bumped you up to MMCC level access. Hopefully I'll get to meet you in person at the NAFEC parade!
  19. Hi Jamie- I haven't purchased anything from that website, no have I heard anything one way or the other about it. Most of the Star Wars costumes on it are "good guy" costumes, and thus not covered by the 501st. I really only see Krennic and Kylo there, and the Kylo isn't even close to the 501st requirements. Sometimes people sell their used costumes, but you have to be very careful to make sure that the costume is fitted to your specific body type and still meets current approval requirements. Sometimes the requirements are updated and old approvals don't transfer with the costume when it is sold. Likely the 501st's CRL's (costume reference libraries) for the Deathwatch and Bo Katan will be very similar to the ones for the Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club. Here are links to their requirements: Bo Katan Live action - The Mandalorian, season 2: https://mandalorianmercs.org/bo-katan-the-mandalorian-s2/ The Clone Wars Animated: https://mandalorianmercs.org/bo-katan/ Rebels Animated, season 4: https://mandalorianmercs.org/sw-rebels-bo-katan-kryze-season-4/ Rebels Animated, season 7: https://mandalorianmercs.org/bo-katan-s7/ Death Watch Live Action - The Mandalorian, season 2: https://mandalorianmercs.org/live-action-death-watch-the-mandalorian-s2/ Grunt Animated - The Clone Wars, season 2: https://mandalorianmercs.org/death-watch-grunt-tcw-season-2/ Nite Owl Animated - The Clone Wars, seasons 4-5: https://mandalorianmercs.org/death-watch-nite-owl/
  20. Here is who I have signed up for the Secret Santa. If you don't see your name below and wanted to participate, get it posted TODAY! Assignments will be tonight! Brian Gelb Diana Vargas Keith Vargas David Amesse Patrick Porter Tom Resendez Mignon Menzies Matt Greenberg Chelsea Mazur Lindsey Cepak Todd Mullin Wendy Starling Adriel Berber Shane Holly Joe Lara
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