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501st Legion - Member
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Everything posted by octrooper

  1. Hi Lesley. Tapatalk for this forum isn't working. Or maybe it's just me.
  2. Plug and play. But You'll need to figure out how and where to mount the mics and the sound board. Also you'll need to pic speakers or headphones.
  3. I have the UKWraith. Works great. The trick is to figure a away to have access to the volume control while your trooping to adjust it for different ambient noise levels
  4. WW for both buckle and flightsuit are fine. I have both. The suit is a bit thick and the pant section is a little baggy, however.
  5. Search eBay and follow it so you get notification if something comes up
  6. Cheers! Looking forward to meeting you and the rest of the crew.
  7. Good morning. Would love to join the party as I do travel to SD a few times a year from OC. TIA!
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