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501st Legion - Garrison Member
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Everything posted by Jef

  1. I’ll be traveling for this one. See you at the next one in January?
  2. I like boiling water for reshaping my ABS parts on my TK. It gets them just hot enough that you can reshape them but not hot enough that you start wrinkling the plastic. It's also a bit less hot so it's a bit easier to work with. If you want to go the heat gun route, I've also used that for reshaping and have some experience.
  3. Use a throat mic with the Aker and you'll get almost no feedback unless you're at REAL loud volumes.
  4. Leslie, Can you bring the flag I ordered and haven't picked up? -Jef
  5. I'm also in Mira Mesa and built and Anovos kit so if there's any questions, I'm literally down the street. -Jef
  6. Jef


    I'm in the DT build as well and will most likely be your arms dealer in the near future.
  7. Boo. Can’t make this one due to work travel (again). Jef
  8. Pro tip: save the bucket for LAST! do all the things where you can hide your mistakes FIRST. Dont open that bucket box until everything else is d.o.n.e. You will get better skills by the time you get to the helmet.
  9. That fits right between two work trips. I should be able to make it. Are we gonna work on the speeder?
  10. ATA is less than 6 months wait now. I got mine in 4... Jef
  11. I’m pretty sure that minimum order is for online only. I’ve been there and picked up a sheet of 2x4 abs and spent under $20. You might want to give them a call to confirm.
  12. Sorry. Something came up and I can’t make it :/ Jef
  13. If you show up, I’m sure someone can help you out. I know there’s at least a few of us that have made TKs attending...
  14. Agreed! I can meet up on the 8th in the evening for dinner and to hang out. Jef
  15. Hey guys After months of tinkering, I've finally completed my armor and was approved by the 501st. TK66667 requesting access. Jef
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