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Rebel Legion - Reserve Member
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Everything posted by BrieKalan2

  1. Unfortunately you do need to redo the sleeves. the extra seams in the sleeve aren’t going to be approvable.
  2. In terms of color, either is perfectly acceptable though. earthy dirty rusty brown. Good work!!
  3. Brian, the rinsed fabric looks great. The washed and dried photo looks very pale though, like more tan than brown. Is it just the lighting on the pic?
  4. The general rule is 20-30 minutes. But you don’t just let it sit. You have to agitate and stir the fabric so that it soaked up the dye. If you don’t it’ll wind up looking very blotchy like tie dye.
  5. Yes. That’s pretty much it! More salt never hurts. And hot hot hot water
  6. AWESOME!! If I get a chance on Sunday, I'm going to work on a holster bandolier for the new blaster, plus finish the last few assembly items to submit the new version.
  7. Was and dry again post dye sonthat the excess is washed out.
  8. Definitely the dryer. That finished the shrinking process.
  9. There's a few threads here and there on the holster: https://www.thedentedhelmet.com/forums/threads/jawa-ion-blaster.16223/ and a host of reference images: https://www.google.com/search?q=jawa+blaster+holster&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS763US763&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwja8e_BqZ7aAhXrrFQKHTTFC2gQsAQIOA&biw=1280&bih=590&dpr=1.5#imgrc=_ I plan on making a holster for my blaster also, I have a hide of leather I bought for it, will be happy to share details when I get that far.
  10. I'll be there! For those working on Jawas, I'll be bringing my sewing machine and serger, plus paints etc for weathering. We can crank out a BUNCH of jawas that day. If you have a sewing machine, bring it--I'll teach anyone how to use their machines. I won't be sewing for everyone, but I can help here and there...I have costumes to work on too!
  11. For those working on the Jawa initiative, make sure you sign up for this AP: I'll be bringing my sewing machine and serger, plus paints etc for weathering. We can crank out a BUNCH of jawas that day. If you have a sewing machine, bring it--I'll teach anyone how to use their machines. I won't be sewing for everyone, but I can help here and there...I have costumes to work on too!
  12. I like that idea Ermer. Very similar to the fencing mask I'm going to try this week when it arrives. If you add a small plastic bar, glued to the mesh to support the eyes--might just work! It'll be cooler for sure!
  13. For those who were at the AP this weekend, @TrooperVic was testing a sound glove for Jawa's, its awesome! Here's the link: http://happytrooper.com/?p=5644 Vic is working on an enclosure for the board to make it a little more moisture proof.
  14. Some 3D Print resources for those interested: Torch welder: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2504844 Jawa Blaster part 1 --Todd recommended this one to me--I've got it printed, just not assembled: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2470055 Jawa blaster part 2: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2465873 Not sure how accurate this model is for a Jawa blaster: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:961050
  15. For those who weren't able to make it yesterday to the AP, Victor put the demo about Jawa's on facebook live in our FB group. I dont' know if we can download the vid to put it on the garrison you tube channel though... Thanks @Wendy Darling for being our model and suiting up! For those who were asking about the dyes.. For RIT Dye, Generally buy the LIQUID vs the powder--it just works better. Its easily available at Joanns, Walmart, and Hobby Lobby. Michaels too. And of course you can Amazon it! Use either Dark Brown, or Cocoa Brown, and a little bit of "Sunset Orange" to make it not so dark. ..Todd generally uses 2 bottles of brown plus 1/2 or so of the orange. I tend to use 3 browns and 1 orange here--I go for a deeper color. I also use a lot of SALT in the water which helps scour the fabric and help the dye set. Rinsing / Washing with a cup or two of vinegar, while stinky--also sets the dyes!~ Use as hot of water as you can. For the professional dye, its called PROCION Fiber Reactive. ITs not hard to use, but definitely read the instructions! https://www.dharmatrading.com/dyes/dharma-fiber-reactive-procion-dyes.html?lnav=dyes.html The best colors were Dark brown and Chocolate Brown. They come out darkish rusty brown, and look great. To dye an 6-8 yard length of the coffee bag burlap fabric or 6-7 yars of monks cloth, get at least 8 ounces of the powdered dye from Dharma. No matter which dye method you use, use a LOT of salt, super hot water, and as big of a tub as you can. 15-30 gallons capacity. Give your fabric a lot of room to move around, and prepare to get messy!
  16. Awesome! I'll bring my Jawa gear so that I can show people what I did--see the supplies/needs.
  17. Now the first post covers all the required options. Lets talk about the FUN stuff. ACCESSORIES. So, there's tons of things you can add to this costume. 1) VEST. Yes--Jawas wore vests! Wendy Starling is currently our only approved Jawa with the vest, although Paul, myself, and Todd are also working on that upgrade. See a reference pic for this here--its made of leather/leather like material, heavily tattered and weathered, worn over the robe. vest and apostles by Lesley Farquhar, on Flickr 2) Torch Welder: This is a found object made in the early/late 70.s To my knowledge, no longer made--often found in antique stores, rummage sales, flea markets, parent's basement tool chests etc. I was lucky enough to find one through a friend, but haven't attached it to my bandolier yet. http://databank.501st.com/databank/File:Jawa_Torch_Welder.jpg 3) Droid Caller. Now this is a fun toy to have. Its what the Jawas use along with the restraining bolts to keep sassy droids in line. You can 3D print these, order one from Anovos, or cobble it together from found parts--there's tons of tutorials out there on how to make these. https://www.google.com/search?biw=1267&bih=599&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=B8OvWrO8CcTS_wTrj7C4Bw&q=droid+caller&oq=droid+caller&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i5i30k1l4j0i24k1l2.558667.560044.0.560567.
  18. OOh, that 9 pocket one is a good one, that way you have front and back covered.
  19. Yes yes! That bandolier is approvable (used for BOTH Tuskens and Jawas!), and yes--Jawas are approvable for Rebel Legion also! So this is a great costume to get 2 clubs at one shot.
  20. So just this week, as I'm a member of the Georgia Garrison FB page, I saw a picture of their current Jawa group--91 approved Jawas! WOW! They looked amazing, and since its a lot of fun--why not do the same? AND try to one up them at the same time. Jawas are super easy costumes, easy to move and sit in, and are perfect projects for people learning to sew. Here's the resources you need. 1. THE CRL: http://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:Jawa NOTE, the CRL is just the tip of the iceberg. Its a guideline, not the all knowing book of Jawa knowledge. For that go here: 2. https://www.kraytclan.com/forum/ Krayt has an ENTIRE Jawa section: https://www.kraytclan.com/forum/forum/35-jawa-costuming/ The Krayt Clan is the OFFICIAL detachment for Jawas in the 501st Legion (and many other denizen costumes). Our CO Todd has been a staff member there for many years, I've helped here and there where I can as well--mostly with merch. Go here, register and request 501st access to see all the tutorials and patterns. There's TONS of info. 3. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1841769722780199/ While I HIGHLY encourage the use of forums, if you just can't do it--there's another source, the Utinni Builders on Facebook. it is NOT an official group, however MANY members are there, including Detachment members who give feedback. Remember to double check source information you get from Utinni Builders. Your basic materials: Fabric 1 Accurate hemp material --discussed previously here http://imperialsandsgarrison.com/forums/index.php?/topic/821-screen-accurate-jawa-robe-fabric/& Plain Monkscloth (will need dyed) at Joann's (USE COUPONS) or Walmart http://www.joann.com/white-monkscloth/5941620.html#q=monks%2Bcloth&start=1 Pre-dyed Monkscloth from fabric.com (not a completely accurate color, but allowable) https://www.fabric.com/buy/0341546/60-monks-cloth-potting-soil-brown or http://burlapfabric.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=224_221&products_id=1924 Fabric 2 Plain black to line the inside of your hood (can be cotton) --broadcloth from any Joanns or Walmart Fabric 3 Speaker mesh to cover your mask --Can be purchased at Joanns--in the utility fabrics. Both Lesley and Todd have a stash of this stuff tho! Boots -- Todd uses rubber galoshes from Walmart, Lesley used cheap fake uggs --either are approvable! Gloves -- plain brown cotton (not leather) gardening gloves OR black gloves https://www.grainger.com/product/2UUJ3?cm_mmc=PPC:+Google+PLA&s_kwcid=AL!2966!3!166587252880!!!s!327760729351!&ef_id=V3XliwAAADYw25OX:20180319005117:s Mask base -- This can be virtually anything ---the most common thing is a kids superhero mask, or a hockey mask. Eyes -- the easiest eyes are clip on floral lights from michaels painted yellow/orange. https://www.michaels.com/ashland-submersible-led-lights/10154209.html Bandoliers! See Krayt clan for some neat ideas on weathering these, but here's sources for them--Remember BROWN NOT BLACK!: Swedish mauser bandoliers are allowed, but discouraged as they aren't really all that accurate. https://www.amazon.com/British-P-1903-Leather-Pocket-Bandolier/dp/B00655A8I8 https://www.amazon.com/British-Martini-Henry-Bandolier-P-1882-Leather/dp/B071912SV2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1521420852&sr=8-1&keywords=martini+henry+bandolier https://www.atlantacutlery.com/martini-henry-cartridge-bandolier
  21. Really looking forward to seeing this one!
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