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501st Legion - Garrison Member
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Everything posted by TK-TIGER

  1. What is the "Code of the Sith" sub-forum within the Imperial Flea Market? Why is it password protected? How can I make it no longer show up as having "unread" posts if I am never to have access to it?
  2. I don't know if anyone is interested, but I found this beach blanket that folds up nicely with a carry strap at Costco for $25. My wife got me one a few years ago, and i have found it to be invaluable when having to change into our out of armor out of the back of my car. It is a nice size to keep armor pieces off ground.
  3. Is this still available?
  4. By a weird chain of events, "We are now no longer the Knights Who Say Ni!" My new number is TK-84437 (which spells out "TK-TIGER" on your phone) So, TK-Tiger reporting for duty
  5. Aha! Here I am!! TK 76843 reporting for duty! Thank you very much
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